Hawaii Rush

Kansas Rush

March 24, 2022

From Ghana to Croatia

New HNK Vukovar transfer from Ghana won’t stop smiling.

Clement Awounyo can’t stop smiling. Not even after trading the warm Ghanian winter for the frigid temperatures in Croatia. After all, everything is sunny in Awounyo’s world right now.

The 23-year-old striker playing for the Ghana Rush club Kotoku Royals FC transferred earlier this month to Rush partner club HNK Vukovar in Croatia and is hoping to help his new club earn a promotion to the second division.

“It’s been a long journey,” Awounyo said. “Being from Ghana, it’s not easy to get noticed. We have talent, but not much opportunity to travel and show other coaches what we can do. But now I have my chance.”

A group of Rush scouts saw Awounyo play on a recent visit to the Ghana Rush club and recommended him to the HNK Vukovar club. And the match seemed to be a beneficial one for both Awounyo and the team.

“When some of the Rush coaches came here to see me play, I was excited,” Awounyo said. “And now I’m here because of them. I have the people from Rush to thank for giving me this opportunity.”

Just the opportunity to get on the pitch at a professional club in Europe is a big step for Awounyo to reach his ultimate goal—playing professionally for a big club in Europe.

And for Awounyo, it’s a big step in his ultimate goal of playing for a top-tier team in Europe.

“My dream is to become a big professional player,” Awounyo said. “I want to become the best African football player.”

Awounyo, who also plays on Ghana’s U-23 national team, sees the chance to improve his skills and his visibility.

“I started playing soccer when I was about five years old,” Awounyo said. “My father bought me a ball and threw it on the ground and told me to play. I didn’t go to school much in my village, so it was always ball. Ever since then, I’ve always dreamed of becoming a professional player. And now that dream is starting to come true.”

When Awounyo arrived in Vukovar in early March, he traded average temperatures that hovered around 90 degrees Fahrenheit for a place where the average high was 47 degrees. But the cooler temperatures have no chance to dampen his spirit.

“In Croatia, the weather is too cold for me, but I’m getting used to it,” Awounyo said. “I’m still learning too, but I’m feeling everything is good and everything is better. And I’m still happy.”

Awounyo hopes to crack the starting lineup soon and help his new club earn a promotion.

“I’m looking forward for the chance to help my team,” Awounyo said.

When he gets on the pitch, there’s little doubt that he’ll do just that.

The post From Ghana to Croatia appeared first on Rush Soccer.

By Alexander Palacios November 17, 2022
All recreational leagues depend on volunteer parent coaches! Without them we have no league. We provide a small reward to rec head coaches by giving them a 50% discount on the fee for the child they are coaching. However, sometimes there are volunteer parent coaches that go above and beyond! We would like to take this opportunity to recognize one of them. Thank you to our new sponsor, Planet Fitness, who is providing the means for us to give a deserving volunteer parent a nice extra reward. Stacy Velleca currently coaches three of her kids’ teams through the Rush recreational program: Ruby is in U8 (2 nd grade), Cooper is in U12 (6th grade), and Laney is in U13 (7 th grade). Stacy has been coaching them every Fall and Spring for years. And she takes it very seriously. When she started coaching, she went out of her way to learn more about soccer and coaching, so that she could help the kids develop their skills and have fun. While her teams may or may not be ready to play in the World Cup, the players, and their parents both appreciate her. Her teams are usually full with all returning players season after season. Thank you, Stacy! For the time and effort you put into coaching! Thanks to Planet Fitness we are giving Stacy an annual Black Card Membership. So, if she can find any time for herself, she can stay in shape to more easily make it through all the practices and games! Thank you to Stacy and all of our volunteer coaches!!! Kansas Rush 
By duda August 18, 2022
The post A License To Learn appeared first on Rush Soccer.
By duda August 11, 2022
As Rush continues to expand its global footprint, one of the most exciting results of such growth is the inaugural International Rush Cup. The post Inaugural International Rush Cup Set for December 2022 appeared first on Rush Soccer.
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